You’re reading this article—first, be aware of that.
Be aware of what? If that’s your first question, pause. Think—how did you end up here?
Then, ask yourself: Did you come here by choice, or were you gently pushed by an ecosystem without even realizing it?
Just to be clear—I’m not talking about spirituality. That’s not my cup of tea.
But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this:
AWARENESS is the first step to MASTERY.
How? Is that what you’re thinking? Or are you wondering, “How is this even related to the Stock Market?”
Because awareness helps you avoid blind spots.
Market hype, social media, and news cycles—these influence our emotions, clouding our ability to think rationally and logically.
And in Stock Market, losing control of your emotions is the fastest way to lose money.
I’m sure by now, you’re aware of what I’m trying to convey. So, I won’t spend more words on this—I’ll save your time too.
Yes, saving is a good habit. I’ve earned the right to speak to you. I have to carefully spend my words—exactly the way companies processes have to not only earn money but also spend carefully to give good returns to their promoters and other investors.
How simple is that? Pretty simple, right?
Well, that comes from a field of study in the stock market—fundamental analysis, as we call it.
Now, let’s be aware of two more things.
First, while you’re reading this article, there’s a high chance that someone else is reading it too.
How many more people? You might not be able to guess.
Or you might assume the opposite—that you’re the only one on this journey of awareness and mastery. And that doubt might make you question whether you should continue reading.
But what if you knew that 1,000 more people—people like you, aspiring to achieve great success—are reading this along with you? You’d likely continue reading, gaining confidence from the volume of similar behavior.
Behaviors that can be captured as data and represented graphically.
I’m sure you already know—I’m talking about another field of study in the stock market called technical analysis.
Now, the Second Thing.
Yes, I said two things.
But before we move to the second one, let’s pause and think—are we getting emotional here? Are we feeling overwhelmed and ready to jump into the mad rush of learning fundamental and technical analysis to start making a fortune?
So, let’s bring back AWARENESS. After all, our hard-earned money is at stake in the stock market—money that we’ve saved through years of hard work and sacrifices.
And when it comes to money, do you trust people so easily? I don’t think so. In real life, we’re never too comfortable parting with our money. There’s always that hidden fear of losing it.
So far, we’ve just been talking about trust—trusting people.
People who are running these companies (Fundamental Analysis).
People who are buying and selling their shares (Technical Analysis).
But in real life, once you decide to give your money to someone else, you look for OPTIONS to safeguard that money and secure your FUTURE.
Indeed, you are doing risk management—which brings us to the third field of study in the stock market: Futures & Options. And having a good understanding about this is equally important.
f you’re still reading, you’re probably enjoying this.
A story with no drama, no emotion, no spice.
How & Why?
Because you are aware now. Aware of a few things that are crucial for the mastery you seek in this field.
But stories are a powerful way to communicate and imprint ideas into people’s minds.
In childhood, we were taught moral values through stories. And as we grow into adults, stories are told again—this time, to shape narratives. Politicians do it. TV anchors do it. Paid articles are written for the same reason.
And often, with false intent.
Because stories influence behaviors. They push people to take action, sometimes without even realizing it.
(1)Fundamental Analysis, (2)Technical Analysis, (3)and Futures & Options are fields of study that teach us how the market functions.
But beyond that, we need to understand how society functions and how our mind works when we face unique situations in the market.
YOU are your best friend. It is YOU who must be aware of how to safeguard yourself from both internal and external traps.
The best thing about stock market education is that it is backed by research on millions of traders, studying their behaviors, emotions, and decision-making patterns when they enter the market.
And this field of study is called (4)Behavioral Finance.
It’s not a complex concept—but it’s a powerful one. And the more aware you become, the better your decisions will be. The question is, are you willing to see the market differently?
Mastery is achieved when you become your own master.
As an educator, my job is not just to help you understand concepts but also to enhance your critical thinking—so that you embark on the path of mastery in every field. My goal is to help you become independent, relying not on others' advice but on your own wisdom.
Today is my birthday! 😊 I turned 41 today, and as I celebrate this day, I remind myself that my journey as an educator must continue—for those who seek mastery in the Stock Market.
We will talk again soon.
Belated Happy Birthday Kundan Sir! May God bless you with a long and healthy life, more wisdom and courage to continuously impart that wisdom to the learners, just as you are doing!
Happy Birthday Sir, May God bless you with plenty of health and wealth